Chuck Cosman, Treaty United Director

First Time Visit For Treaty United’s Canadian Investment Company

Last week, Treaty United were delighted to welcome new Treaty United Board Member, Chuck Cosman to Limerick to visit the club. This was the first in-person visit by a member of the Tricor Pacific Capital team since the Canadian investment firm took ownership of the club with CEO, Ciara McCormack late last year.

Chuck Cosman First Time Visit to Treaty United Football Club

Chuck had a busy schedule during his time in Limerick, taking in the Senior Men’s team game versus Bray Wanderers on Friday night as well as the Senior Women’s team game against Shelbourne the following day.

From left to right: Sean O’Brien (Board Member), Mark Scanlon (LOI Director), Chuck Cosman (Board Member), Ciara McCormack (CEO) before Friday night’s game

Chuck also used the time to meet with a range of stakeholders and interested parties both inside and outside the club including Senior Team coaching staff, academy coaches, volunteers, members, supporters, League of Ireland Director Mark Scanlon, stadium partners LEDP, officials of Limerick City and County Council, Education and Training Boards and representatives from junior clubs.

Cosman Visits Treaty City Brewery in Limerick City, Treaty United Club Partner

When Tricor Pacific invested in Treaty United last year,  they said that they were in this for the long term a point which Chuck was keen to emphasise during his visit.

“What the league needs is indefinite hold investors who are in it for the long term. That’s what we are at Tricor and that’s been our track record of business owners and partners. When Ciara asked us to become partners in investing in the club we did so because we thought it would be inspiring for the Tricor team, families and community back in Canada but also have an impact that we can be really proud of over the long term in the Mid West region”

Chuck Cosman, Treaty United Director

Chuck emphasised the amount of work which has gone on at the club which might not be obvious to those looking in from the outside.

Chuck meets with Treaty United’s Academy Coaches

There has definitely been investment, it’s just that it has been in areas where fans might not immediately see. It’s not been in top-tier signings or stadium expansion but the club now has full time staff, has paid part-time staff, has corporate governance in order, financial management in place, has a full roster of academy coaches. We have a team now in place which meets on a daily basis, has strategy sessions. For example this week we had external consultants meet with our leadership team around ideas for revenue generation and community engagement. We have been putting the foundations in place and are going to keep marching forward with our professionalisation of the club.”

Chuck Cosman, Treaty United Director

When asked what his report back to the Tricor Pacific Board would be upon his return Chuck replied:

“The experience has been inviting, friendly and warm. It has been educational and there is so much we can accomplish.“

Chuck Cosman, Treaty United Director

And in terms of what people can expect going forward, Chuck responded:

A club needs a home to be successful. Whether that’s Markets Field home, a place that looks like home, smells like home and tells the story of senior soccer in the region. Or whether it is training facilities that we can build around, where the academy can develop and produce a conveyor belt of wonderful young players from the Mid West. I’m hopeful that in the not so distant future we can share some exciting progress and some exciting things that we know will be felt by the fans and by the community”

Chuck Cosman, Treaty United Director
Full interview: Chuck Cosman, Treaty United Director